Our Corporate Responsibility & ESG Commitment

Aptus recognises the importance of adhering to responsible Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) policies and practices. ESG management and reporting are essential for the industry and our business.

We are committed to ensuring that we play our role in working alongside other UK organisations to achieve the UK Government’s Net Zero target of at least a 100% reduction in the net UK carbon emissions by 2050 (based on 1990 levels) for our UK Operations. Aptus has pledged to decrease our annual emissions and attain Net Zero by 31st March 2046, four years earlier than the UK Government’s target.

We will aim to reduce our emissions year-on-year and will aim to achieve:

✓ 17% reduction in our Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2030

✓ 91% overall reduction in all Green House Gas (GHG) emissions across Scopes 1, 2 and 3 by 2046

✓ Offsetting any residual emissions via high-quality nature-based or direct air capture projects and becoming Net Zero


To accomplish these objectives, Aptus has implemented a range of measures, such as:

  1. Appointing an external specialist carbon consultancy to collate and verify data, calculate carbon emissions, and help advise on carbon reduction options
  2. Setting the base year (April 2022 – March 2023) and calculating our carbon footprint in line with the GHG protocol for that base year
  3. Creating a carbon reduction plan for each Scope and category
  4. Setting the Net Zero date and committing to updating our carbon footprint annually with March 2024 to be the first year post the base year

We are working in partnership with Sustainable Advantage, using their scoring framework to assess ourselves each year and measure our improvement. This commitment is reflected in our ESG score increase from 44% in 2021-2022 to 62% in 2022-2023. Scores over 60% are recognised as ESG excellence. We have also set up a committee responsible for shaping our ESG frameworks and improving performance.

Download Aptus ESG review programme certificate 2024
Download Aptus Net Zero Report 2024

Download Aptus Impact Report 2022-23
Download Aptus Net Zero Report 2023

Download ESG policy

1. People

We believe a successful business is built on its people and for us, this means creating an inclusive and respectful environment for our employees. We are committed to ensuring the health, safety, wellbeing and professional development of our people, and through this, we create a motivated, dynamic and responsible workforce.

2. Community

Our purpose is to bring social, economic and environmental benefits to the communities in which we work, which we achieve through making charitable donations and by our participation in voluntary schemes and activities.

3. Environment

We aim to operate as an environmentally sustainable business and continually strive to work resourcefully, and with minimum disruption to our surroundings. We do this by decreasing waste to landfill, reducing CO2 emissions, seeking energy-efficient solutions and working with customers to improve local environmental quality and protect natural heritage.

4. Marketplace

Working together with our employees, clients and suppliers we are committed to sharing goals and objectives ensuring that we operate in a sustainable and responsible way, whilst offering a competitive and quality service. Working with all our key stakeholders to achieve this appropriate social, regulatory and environmental risks and opportunities are embedded into our strategic decision making and planning process. By deploying a management system certified to ISO9001:2008 we guarantee to meet quality standards expected by our clients.

Got any questions?

If you're looking to enquire about any of our services, or have any questions, please get in touch by phone or email.

Email: info@aptusutilities.co.uk Call: 01204 325 000