Environmental Management

At Aptus, we recognise that protecting the environment is not just a responsibility – it is also a necessity. We understand the importance of minimising our impact on the planet and actively seek ways to improve the sustainability of our operations.

Our Environmental Philosophy and Approach to Sustainability

Every business has a unique environmental footprint. At Aptus, we take a targeted approach, focusing on the aspects where we can make the most meaningful impact. We are committed to continuously seeking innovative ways to reduce our footprint in these areas. 

Our current initiatives include:

  • Fuel consumption: Reducing emissions through the use of more fuel-efficient vehicles and equipment. 
  • Energy usage: Implementing energy-saving measures in our facilities and operations, such as upgrading to LED lighting and optimising heating and cooling systems.
  • Management of waste: Partnering with companies like EWC to explore more sustainable disposal and reuse options, minimising waste and promoting a circular economy. 

By concentrating our efforts on these areas, we aim to achieve continuous improvement in our environmental performance and contribute to a more sustainable future.

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Beyond Compliance

Our commitment to environmental stewardship goes beyond mere legal compliance. Our comprehensive Health, Safety, Quality and Environment (HSQE) Policy outlines our approach to achieving more than the minimum legal requirements. This policy, which can be viewed on our HSQE page, demonstrates our dedication to excellence in environmental management.

Sustainable Practices

As part of our environmental initiatives, we actively:

  • Champion the reduction of emissions through the specification of more sustainable materials.
  • Implement measures to reduce transport emissions, including car sharing and the use of electric vehicles.
  • Collaborate with partners like EWC to discover better waste solutions, prioritising sustainability in our operations.

Certifications and Standards

Our commitment to environmental management is reinforced by our adherence to internationally recognised management systems. We are proud to hold certification for ISO 14001 for environmental management, ensuring we maintain high standards in our environmental practices.

Continuous Improvement

On World Environment Day and every day, we unite with our team and partners to take action in protecting and preserving our planet for future generations. We continuously assess our environmental impact and look for ways to improve our practices.

At Aptus, we believe that responsible environmental management is not just good for the planet—it is good for business. By focusing on sustainability and reducing our environmental footprint, we strive to be a leader in environmental stewardship within our industry.

Got any questions?

If you're looking to enquire about any of our services, or have any questions, please get in touch by phone or email.

Email: info@aptusutilities.co.uk Call: 01204 325 000