Aptus Utilities has been identified as one of London Stock Exchange Group’s 1000 Companies to Inspire Britain. It is the second successive year the Company has been listed by the report which celebrates the UK’s fastest-growing and most dynamic small and medium sized UK businesses.
To be included, companies needed to show consistent revenue growth over a minimum of three years, significantly outperforming their industry peers.
In 2017-2018, Aptus Utilities has continued to see significant growth across all areas of the business both in terms of workforce and geographical operations, and increasing turnover and profit for a seventh consecutive year.
In the North West 91 companies were identified as critical to future UK economic growth and job creation. The report also showed that with an average annual revenue growth of 232 per cent the region’s companies are growing three times faster than the national average of 71 per cent.
Engineering and Construction was the best represented sector with 132 companies, and was the second fastest-growing with an average annual revenue growth rate of 109 per cent.
Lisa Kerford, Managing Director of Aptus Utilities, said: “Aptus Utilities has once again been recognised by London Stock Exchange as among the UK’s most dynamic companies leading the country forward, which is a huge accolade for the whole team and a measure of the company’s achievement.
“Our strong North West position can only have benefited from the overall buoyancy of the regional economy, and the spirit of confidence across multiple industries highlighted in the report points positively to the continuation of Aptus Utilities’ expansion in the North East and Midlands.”
Nikhil Rathi, chief executive of the London Stock Exchange, said: “Five years on, the report continues to demonstrate the strength and diversity of British businesses. These dynamic companies are the backbone of our economy, playing an important role in the UK’s ability to innovate, export and grow.
“With North West companies growing at more than three times the national average, it is testament to the entrepreneurial spirit and economic and job creating potential of companies from the region. Policy makers must continue to increase access to growth capital for these firms, which would in turn benefit the wider UK economy.”
As well as identifying 1,000 companies, the series of LSEG annual reports examine in detail the opportunities and challenges facing SMEs and looks at the sectors and trends that will shape the future of the British and European economies.
A full searchable database of all of the companies and the report can be found online at www.1000companies.com.
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Email: info@aptusutilities.co.uk Call: 01204 325 000