Aptus Utilities Support Services Director Natasha Clarke has been recognised for her ‘Outstanding Contribution to Apprenticeships’. The award comes from training providers Alliance Learning, who have supplied Aptus with apprentices since 2012.
The two Bolton companies have forged a strong partnership with 19 apprentices having come through Alliance Learning. Natasha has been instrumental in overseeing the recruitment and smooth integration of the apprentices into the company, ensuring they have the support and resources to complete their apprenticeships. She regularly represents Aptus Utilities at open evenings and other community events, supporting Alliance Learning to promote apprenticeships.
Alliance Learning Marketing Manager Chloe Ramsden said: “Natasha Clarke, the Support Services Director at Aptus Utilities has won our ‘Outstanding Contribution to Apprenticeships Award’ at our upcoming Awards Evening. This award is dedicated to an individual who works within an organisation that is an ambassador for Apprenticeships and has a proven track record of commitment to training apprentices.”
Alliance Learning Employer Engagement Officer Charlotte Todd, who nominated Natasha for the award, praised her for own ‘individual passion’, commenting: “She fully supports the full team, from me as first point of call in the recruitment team to the Learning and Development Officers, ensuring learners are working with us to enjoy the Apprenticeship programme and complete the work.
“I feel that we work in partnership with Aptus Utilities but with Natasha’s full support this partnership runs smoothly and efficiently”, she added.
The 25th annual Alliance Learning Awards took place on Thursday 29th June, in Horwich.
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Email: info@aptusutilities.co.uk Call: 01204 325 000