Private employee forum launches

Aptus has launched a new private forum as part of our measures to support the mental health and wellbeing of employees and their families.

Launched to coincide with Mental Health Awareness Week (18-24th May) the forum provides another helpful way for us to communicate with employees as we all adjust to new ways of working.

This May the focus has been on mental health and we have taken this opportunity to remind people of the support that is available through the company and share useful links and information.

Our May Mental Health Newsletter focuses on how we can achieve ‘good mental health’, what to look out for if we feel our mental health is suffering, and where to go for support.

It provides tips on setting routines for home and remote-working – which may be presenting new challenges for people at this time.

A wealth of resources are also available through Westfield Health, including podcasts, videos and factsheets on sleeping, exercise plans and healthy eating, strategies for coping with stress and other topics.

A private Facebook Group has also been set up for our employees to connect, support each other and feel part of a team while working in isolation.

At Aptus our eight fully trained Mental Health First Aiders are always on hand ready to listen to any staff member who needs to talk about their concerns. They will provide employees with the tools and information to help them to cope and manage their mental health more effectively.

By putting these measures in place our aim is to create a safe environment where people feel supported. We might not be working under one roof together but by opening up new channels for communication and support we can help each other to get through this and create positive new habits for the future.

We would like to remind people of the following useful links:

CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably)
0800 58 58 58. Open 365 days a year, from 5pm until midnight
The Samaritans
116 123. Open 24/7
Papyrus (Prevention of Young Suicide)
0800 068 41 41 / Text: 07786209697
10am-10pm weekdays, 2pm-10pm weekends, 2pm-10pm Bank Holidays
0300 123 3393 / text 86463
0300 304 7000. 4.30pm – 10.30pm daily
Rethink Mental Illness
NHS Choices
The Mix
Youth Wellbeing Directory

Published on 18th May 2020

Natasha Clarke

Natasha Clarke

People Director

Natasha Clarke heads up the People functions at Aptus, including Human Resources and internal and external communications. She has assisted in the training and development of a number of key members of staff and has also ensured a number of Business Administration Apprentices have successfully obtained their qualifications.

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