Purity and Precision: Aptus’ Expertise in Water Testing and Chlorination

Water quality is essential for the safety of new homes and the smooth operation of a construction site. As a homebuilder, you have the unique responsibility of ensuring water systems meet stringent standards. Aptus is your trusted partner in achieving this goal, safeguarding resident health and your project’s success. 

This blog will delve into the importance of water testing, the power of chlorination, and why partnering with water engineering experts like Aptus is crucial for every development.


Why Water Testing is Important

Water can harbour various contaminants, including bacteria, heavy metals, and chemicals. These contaminants pose potential health risks to residents and can lead to costly operational problems if left unchecked. Water testing is crucial for the following reasons:

  • Regulatory compliance: Local and national bodies have strict water quality standards. Regular testing protects you from costly fines or project delays.
  • Resident wellbeing: Safeguarding the health of your future buyers is paramount. Water testing provides that peace of mind.
  • Brand reputation: Quality homes go hand-in-hand with a reputation for quality control. Water testing demonstrates your commitment.


Chlorination: The Safeguard for Water Systems

Chlorine is a powerful disinfectant that eliminates bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms that can pose health risks to residents and workers on site. Aptus ensures chlorination is applied safely and effectively, with careful consideration for the specific needs of a new home development:

  • Safe & effective methods: Our technicians are trained in the safe handling of chlorine and utilise various chlorination techniques tailored to your project’s requirements. This may include liquid sodium hypochlorite dosing
  • New construction expertise: At Aptus, our water engineering team works seamlessly alongside other trades, adapting chlorination protocols to changing project phases. We protect existing water infrastructure and disinfect newly installed pipework before use to ensure regulatory compliance and safe water supply.
  • Monitoring & maintenance: Larger developments or those with extended timelines can benefit from comprehensive chlorination management. This includes regular testing to verify chlorine levels, adjustments to maintain optimal water safety, and detailed record-keeping for compliance purposes.
  • Protecting your investment: Chlorination safeguards health and protects your development’s long-term value. Properly disinfected water systems minimise the risk of pipe corrosion and biofouling and the associated costs of repairs or replacements down the line.


Water Testing Solutions for New Developments

We understand the complexities of water quality management for new home developments.  From the initial design stages through to final handover, our team will provide a comprehensive suite of services:

  • Consultation and design: We work closely with you to understand your site’s water requirements, identify potential risks, and design a water testing and chlorination plan that ensures both regulatory compliance and resident safety.
  • Water mains & services installation: When new infrastructure is needed, Aptus offers expert installation, ensuring proper connections and adherence to standards.
  • Pipe swabbing & pre-commission cleaning: We ensure new pipes are thoroughly cleaned and prepared for chlorination, safeguarding the integrity of your water system.
  • Disinfection and chlorination: Utilising our state-of-the-art water chlorination vans, we expertly disinfect new water networks. Our hygienic procedures and advanced equipment ensure safe and effective potable water delivery.
  • Bacteriological sampling: In order to verify disinfection, we conduct rigorous bacteriological testing to confirm the water meets all health standards.
  • Domestic meter installation: We integrate meters for accurate usage tracking, adhering to any local utility company requirements.
  • Private water pipe installation: If your development relies on private water sources, we can provide complete installation and testing services.
  • Our commitment to clean water: Our specialised vans separate equipment for maximum hygiene, and their advanced technology allows for the safe and efficient execution of both pressure testing and chlorination. This streamlined process saves you time and ensures the highest level of water quality in the homes you build.



What are the warning signs of potential contamination?

Here are some contamination signs to be aware of:

  • Changes in appearance: Discolouration, cloudiness, or unusual particles in the water.
  • Changes in taste or odour: A metallic, chlorine, or earthy taste/odour could indicate issues.
  • Plumbing problems: Unexplained leaks, corrosion, or frequent fixture malfunctions can sometimes be water-quality related.
  • Health concerns: If workers on-site experience unexplained illnesses, water testing should be considered.

Can Aptus help with regulatory compliance reporting?

Yes, we can. Our water engineering team understand the complexities of water compliance regulations. We can help provide lab reports and present findings against regulatory thresholds for easy understanding. We also explain what the results mean, offer action plans and assist you in maintaining accurate records to demonstrate compliance if asked by authorities.

How long does it take to get water testing results?

Test turnaround times can vary depending on the specific analyses required. However, we are committed to providing timely results, especially for urgent situations. We will discuss expected timelines with you during our consultation and keep you updated on the progress.


Why Choose Aptus

At Aptus, we offer a complete range of services, including comprehensive water testing, disinfection and chlorination, bacteriological sampling and more. Our commitment to accuracy and timely results ensures your development projects run smoothly, from the initial groundworks phase to the final handover of homes with safe, clean water.

Aptus understands the unique challenges of the construction industry. Whether you require scheduled testing, emergency chlorination, or proactive support during construction, we are dedicated to providing the services you need to deliver homes that meet the highest standards. Explore our full range of water testing and chlorination services and speak to our team about your project by calling 01204325000 or requesting a callback.

Published on 22nd April 2024

Adrian Cunningham

Adrian Cunningham

Technical Manager

Adrian Cunningham leads the Technical Management division at Aptus, specialising in Electrical Engineering within the Street Lighting & Utilities sector. He has demonstrated expertise in Electrical Estimating, Electrical Design, Contract Management, and Project Planning.

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Email: info@aptusutilities.co.uk Call: 01204 325 000