Aptus Connections magazine ISSUE 4 out now!

This month’s issue covers a lot, including Electric Vehicle charging, the importance of female engineers, our work on Industrial and Commercial projects, as well as an update on what’s been going on here at Aptus

Issue 4 of Aptus Connections Magazine is now available to read for free at the link below.

We welcome feedback on any of the topics covered and ideas for future news, so get in touch!


Published on 15th July 2021

Natasha Clarke

Natasha Clarke

People Director

Natasha Clarke heads up the People functions at Aptus, including Human Resources and internal and external communications. She has assisted in the training and development of a number of key members of staff and has also ensured a number of Business Administration Apprentices have successfully obtained their qualifications.

Got any questions?

If you're looking to enquire about any of our services, or have any questions, please get in touch by phone or email.

Email: info@aptusutilities.co.uk Call: 01204 325 000